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By providing your personal data to us, you consent to your personal data being used, disclosed, stored, retained and processed by AIA Financial Advisers Private Limited, its associated persons/ organisations, its and their third party service providers and its or their representatives, whether within or outside Singapore, for the purposes listed in AIA FA Personal Data Policy and general administration relating to the aforementioned purpose(s).
Marketing Consent
By providing the information, I/we consent to allow AIA Financial Advisers Private Limited, its associated persons/organisations, its and their third party product/service providers and its and their representatives, whether within or outside Singapore (collectively "AIA Persons") to collect, use, disclose, store, retain and/or process (collectively, "Use") all personal data and information ("Personal Data") that had/has been provided to AIA Persons and/or that AIA Persons possess about me/us (whether from me/us or a third party), in the manner and for the purposes described in the AIA FA Personal Data Policy ("PD Policy") and which I/we confirm that I/we have read and understood.
In addition, I/we consent to allow AIA Persons to Use Personal Data that had/has been provided to AIA Persons and/or that AIA Persons possess about me/us (whether from me/us or a third party) for the purposes of conducting consumer, marketing related or other similar research and analysis and to provide marketing and promotional information relating to existing or future products and/or services by the following modes of communication:
  • by electronic transmission to or through my/our *email address(es); and
  • to all my/our *telephone number(s) (of which I/we confirm I am/we are the user(s) and/or subscriber(s), by way of phone/voice call/SMS/MMS
* which are in AIA Persons' records as may be updated from time to time by notice to AIA Persons. In relation to one or more of the above purposes, I/we consent to my/our Personal Data being disclosed to independent third parties and their representatives and such third parties processing my/our Personal Data.
  • I/we may withdraw one or more consents provided by me at anytime by completing and submitting the relevant form(s) furnished by AIA Persons ("Mode(s) of Withdrawal"). You may request for a copy of such form(s) via your financial consultant(s) or 
  • The consent provided by me/us in this form is in addition to and does not supersede, vary or nullify any consent which I/we may have provided previously in respect of the above purposes, unless my/our consent is withdrawn in the manner specified by AIA.
  • I/We hereby represent and warrant that I/we are the user and/or subscriber of the *telephone number(s) provided by me/us in this or other forms furnished to AIA Persons, and agree that I/we have read and understood the above provisions.
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